Many of us learned to not trust ourselves. Our internal experiences may not have been validated and our ideas and thoughts may have been dismissed or ridiculed, so we disconnected from our own intuition and wisdom. We learned to turn outside of ourselves for guidance, because we learn that it is not safe to trust ourselves.
But our intuition is still there. It is like a compass - always sending us signals about whether we are walking our path or someone else’s. It is telling us when someone violates our values and boundaries. It is telling us when we are drifting away from the truth of ourselves. Looking back at my life, each regret I had was a product of me overriding my intuition (gut feeling) or not following what, deep down, I knew I needed to do for myself. If you feel that somehow you've drifted away from the truth of who you are or perhaps want to start learning how to trust yourself, try this exercise and engage in some self-reflection with these journaling prompts. As with anything new that you are incorporating, consistency will yield best results (in this case, more self-trust and ownership over your decisions). Exercise:
Journaling Prompts:
Most timelines we set for ourselves are completely arbitrary. We take someone’s expectation of when we should start things and when we should finish them, and then we adopt it as the timeline to live by without ever questioning it.
Based on it, we may decide it is too early to start some things, too late for others, and the perfect time for yet another thing. While it may be the case that at certain times in our life certain decisions feel more sensible, if we live by the premise that there is such a thing as THE right time we’re bound to experience disappointment and struggle. Notice if there is an area of your life in which you may be having an expectation that is attached to a timeline. Even if it's something innocuous as "I'm going to start... on Monday!" Consider:
September 2024
AuthorSladja Redner, MA, LPC |